I like to say that I've been a 49ers fan my whole life. Ever since Joe Montana was QB in the 80s. Watching my dad watch football was where I learned how to curse. Even better, that's how I found out that "dumbo" could be used as an insult. Before that, "Dumbo" was the flying elphant movie by Disney. I grew up and continued to follow my team through a string of quarterbacks that ranged from awesome to absolutely terrible. I took it personally when Jerry Rice went to the Raiders of all teams to retire. Battle of the Bay had never felt more necessary to win. And I hate to miss Superbowl, even if the Niners haven't been there for years.
Despite my love for the red and gold, I had NEVER been to a 49ers game in my life! In fact, this was sort of a last minute decision too. My wonderful friend Tatiana texted me one day and mentioned her boyfriend and she were getting some people together to go to the game in about 2 weeks. I didn't even consult my girlfriend; I just texted told her, "I'M GOING TO THE 49ERS GAME!!!" Better yet, we were going to watch our Niners try to keep their winning streak against Eli Manning and the NY Giants.
The next two weeks were full of excitement and some anxiety. As a girl, I was fretting over what to wear. The worst part was I had lost my Alex Smith jersey! I bought it a few years ago on eBay (hella cheap, but it worked), and now that he was finally earning the priviliege of having his jersey worn it wasn't anywhere to be found. I ended up getting a Niners T-shirt from Old Navy and a hoodie I bought at Sports Authority in the off-season (which my gf has a matching one too).
I was so excited about the game. The night before was the Manny Pacquiao fight. While all the other Filipinos at work were obsessing over the fight, I was trying to reign in my excitement to give my patients proper care.
So the next day, I made the trek to Daly City to meet with my friends. We met up with Tat's uncle and brother-in-law and we caravaned to Candlestick Park. Though we were drinking the case of beer Tat's bf James brought in his trunk, we were surrounded by people tailgating all around us. We weren't even parked in the proper Candlestick Park parking lot, but people were doing it big! I decided that I'm going to tailgate one day, but I wanted to get my first game under my belt before I try anything like that.
We walked about 10 minutes to the park, and after taking a potty break in the cleanest porto-potties I'd even been in, we were there! There were a lot more NY Giants fans that I had anticipated, but the excitement in the air was almost palpable. In the Bud Light Plaza were food trucks. We visited Kara's Cupcakes (delicious punkin spice cupcakes!!) and Senor Sisig. I had a coupon for $5, so I got a gigantic California burrito. When the lady asked if I wanted pork, chicken or tofu I was stunned. I looked at her like, "I'm Filipino. Of course I want PORK!" But I realized I had to say it out loud so after staring at her like dumbass, I said it. Enjoying a beer and my meal for the day, we joined the herd to reach our seats.
We were up in the nosebleeds, but it wasn't as bad as I thought. TV always makes it seem bigger than it actually is. And it was so fun up in the stands. There were a bunch of crazy guys I gave nicknames. "Shirtless Guy" had a tattoo of the CA state silhoutte with the Niner's "SF" over his right chest and he kept showing it off. "Guido" with his Christian Audigier wannabe-shirt and gold chain was drunkenly yelling Niners praise at everyone, similar to Harley on Epic Mealtime. "Gold Miner" with his miner's SF hat, beard and denim overalls started with a shirt on. Eventually, the shirt came off so he was shirtless under his overalls making him look even more like a miner.
Needless to say, I had a blast. There were a few NY Giants fans standing around us. In fact, the Giants fan in front of me was recording parts of the game with his camcorder. At one point, he turned it to face him. I hope the crazy face I was making made it into his video.
The best part, was the FREE TACOS!!!! The announcers said that if the Niners won the game, everyone in attendance would get 2 free tacos from Jack in the Box. They're only 99 cents, but that adds up. When the timer ran down at the end of the 4th quarter, the crowd went up in roars. Yet Tat and I were excitedly jumping up and down saying, "WE GOT TACOS!!!"
I can't wait to watch my next 49ers game! I just hope they don't move to Santa Clara before I get another chance.
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